Our Leaders

Lisa Sundstrom
Community Outreach Liaison
Lisa is our dedicated Community Outreach Liaison that comes to ilearn wellness with experience designing and promoting health and wellness initiatives throughout the Northeast. Through her understanding of healthcare plans and relations with various health and wellness communities, she is able to deliver and promote wellness solutions within various diverse populations.
While working on her bachelor’s degree in public Relations from Rowan University, Lisa discovered a passion for event planning and publication layout and design. Combining those passions within public health led to her past position as Wellness Director for a New England based healthcare insurance company.
In addition to her health promotion experience, Lisa also comes with a fitness background. After receiving her AFAA certification in group exercise, she now enjoys teaching Mat Pilates, Yoga and Barre.
This spring is an exciting time for Lisa and her daughters, Isabelle and Gabrielle. When the local farm stand closed in the spring of 2020 due to Covid-19, Lisa and her daughters were inspired to grow their own vegetables and herbs. We’re happy to report 2023 will be their third season!